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Last Updated: 2010/4/20
Commission on Aging
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday, April 19, 2010

The Commission on Aging held a regular meeting on Monday, April 19, 2010 at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT. Chairman Thomas Dwyer called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Thomas Dwyer,  Karin Aurelia, James Bernardi,  LeReine Frampton, Mary Ellen Lydem, Edward Rees.  EXCUSED: Joan Plouffe, Anna Wiedemann. ABSENT: Norma Gray, Carol Mattegat, Barbara Wadleigh. ALSO PRESENT:  Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services, Ann Piccini, Director of Social Services and Senior Action Committee member Bob Sharpe.


CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mr. Dwyer said that the meeting of the regional Commissions on Aging scheduled for May 8 has been cancelled

MINUTES  the minutes of the regular meeting of March 15, 2010 will be amended to note that Terry Curry, not Curran was a speaker. We did formally welcome Joan Plouffe as an alternate member. Upon motion of Mr. Bernardi, the minutes of the regular meeting of March 15, 2010 were unanimously accepted as amended.

TREASURER’S REPORT (Attachment A). Mrs. Aurelia reported that the current balance in the Gift Fund is $39,058.70 and the Trip Account $2,500.00 Budget is where it should be at this time. Upon motion of Mr. Bernardi, the  Treasurer’s Report was unanimously accepted as presented.
DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT (Attachment B). Before today’s trip, a woman fell on the yellow curbing outside the bus and injured her knees. Mrs. Place provided first aid to her. Mrs. Place noted that she and her staff are trained in first aid. RSVP luncheon will be held on May 19. Mr. Bernardi moved to authorize expenditure of $260 from the Commission on Aging Gift Fund to pay lunch for twelve volunteers and First Selectman Llodra. Second by Mrs. Lydem and unanimously carried.

Mrs. Place is working with Social Services and Probate Court to obtain a conservator for a former resident who lost $50,000 to a scam. Mr. Dwyer noted that Ms. Piccini is in charge of Social Services which includes elderly responsibility and feels that the Commission on Aging should be hearing this from her. Mrs. Place noted that Mrs. Piccini does not have an MSW and thus cannot handle this issue. Mr. Bernardi asked for clarification on Mrs. Piccini’s responsibilities; isn’t she the Municipal Agent? Mrs. Lydem noted that this person is no longer a Newtown resident and that this person is the responsibility of the Bethehem Municipal Agent. Mrs. Place agreed and noted that she is conferring with the Municipal Agent in Bethlehem. Mr. Bernardi noted that Probate should appoint an attorney for the woman.


TRIAD. The annual training session that Mrs. Place will attend will be on April 28.


SENIOR CENTER EXPANSION.  Mrs. Aurelia reported that she spoke to Public Works Director Hurley who said that everything is all set but work has not begun. She will contact him again. Mr. Hurley feels that the bid of the contractor who was hired is $20,000 too high but the contractor is the low bidder.

GIFT FUND. Mr. Dwyer had distributed a draft at the last meeting for possible modification to the wording of the bylaws concerning the Gift Fund. The consensus  of the Commission is that the wording will not be changed and each request will continue to be decided on a case by case basis.

NEW BUILDING. Mr. Dwyer asked Mr. Rees where the Commission’s efforts to get a new building stand at present. Mr. Rees said that the request for funding has been placed in the Capital Improvement Plan. Mr. Rees noted that the plans referred to at the last meeting had been loaned to the Commission on Aging and returned by the Commission to the then First Selectman and Public Works Director but their whereabouts is not known now.  Mrs. Frampton noted that this request must be submitted to the Capital Improvement Plan each year as the plan is updated each year.    

Mr. Dwyer will invite Frank DeLucia, Chairman of Newtown Housing for the Elderly, Inc. to a meeting of the Commission on Aging to discuss what  Newtown Housing for the Elderly does. Mr. Rees noted that they operate under HUD. He said that they have obtained several grants for work at Nunnawauk Meadows.

NEW BUSINESS. None noted.

ADJOURNMENT. Upon motion of Mr. Bernardi, the meeting adjourned at  6:04 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk